
Office Of Research And Development, Department Of Veterans Affairs.

Funding for this course was provided by the Medical Research Service, Office of Research and DevelopmentDepartment of Veterans Affairs. The course was designed and written primarily by Dr. Michael Fallon, VA Chief Veterinay Medical Officer and Veterinary Medical Officer at the Atlanta VA Medical Center, as part of the “Working with Laboratory Animals” (WWLA) instructional series. The WWLA series is directed by Dr. Michael Fallon, and Dr. Nicole Duffee, Director of Professional Development and Education, American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (formerly at Washington University in St. Louis). Mr. Ray Spry at the VA Employee Education Service provided artistic and technical guidance for screen layouts and the course user interface.

This course was adapted from the “Working with the VA IACUC” web course originally produced by Mr. Ray Spry at the VA Employee Education Service through a contract with Star Mountain, Inc.

Dr. Nicole Duffee and Dr. Kathy Laber, Veterinary Medical Officer at the Charleston VA Medical Center, provided very helpful comments and suggestions for revision. Special thanks to Ms. Carol Wigglesworth and Dr. Axel Wolff at the Office for Laboratory Animal Welfare who also provided comments and suggestions, and reviewed the course information for consistency with the requirements of PHS Policy.

Adaptation of this course from the original VA version of the course was made possible by text and graphics editing functions programmed by the WWLA Webmaster, Ms. Stephanie Manuel. Ms. Manuel also simplified the software coding and integrated this course with the IACUC Administrator site within the WWLA website.

Digital versions of many graphics files were kindly provided by the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) as part of their ALAT CD-ROM project. For more information on many of the topics in this course, visit the excellent IACUC resource site maintained by AALAS and Dr. Duffee at Additional IACUC resources and VA animal research documents are available at

We would like to thank the following contributors for the use of images: 
The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 
Dr. Cindy Pekow, Puget Sound VA Health Care System 
Dr. Helen Diggs, University of California at Berkeley 
Dr. Paul Flecknell, University of Newcastle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom 
Dr. Deborah Talkington, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
Dr. John Young, Cedars Sinai Medical Center and Long Beach VAMC 
Ms. Jordana Lenon, Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center 
Mr. Wayne Gile and Ms. Gretchen Rae, Atlantic Antibodies 
Mr. Doug Allen-Miller, University of California at Davis 
Mr. Tom Darby, Laboratory Products, Inc.
Dr. med. Wolfgang Bergter, Medical University School Hannover, Hannover, Germany

Course Objectives:

Supplied by Molly Greene, Univ. Michigan, 2010.