
USDA And PHS Training Requirements

From the USDA Animal Welfare Act Regulations and Standards, Section 2.32:

“(a) It shall be the responsibility of the research facility to ensure that all scientists, research technicians, animal technicians, and other personnel involved in animal care, treatment, and use are qualified to perform their duties. This responsibility shall be fulfilled in part through the provision of training and instruction to those personnel.

(b) Training and instruction shall be made available, and the qualifications of personnel reviewed, with sufficient frequency to fulfill the research facility’s responsibilities under this section and Sec. 2.31.

(c) Training and instruction of personnel must include guidance in at least the following areas:

Humane methods of animal maintenance and experimentation, including:The basic needs of each species of animal;Proper handling and care for the various species of animals used by the facility;Proper pre-procedural and post-procedural care of animals; andAseptic surgical methods and procedures;The concept, availability, and use of research or testing methods that limit the use of animals or minimize animal distress;Proper use of anesthetics, analgesics, and tranquilizers for any species of animals used by the facility;Methods whereby deficiencies in animal care and treatment are reported, including deficiencies in animal care and treatment reported by any employee of the facility. No facility employee, Committee member, or laboratory personnel shall be discriminated against or be subject to any reprisal for reporting violations of any regulation or standards under the Act;Utilization of services (e.g., National Agricultural Library, National Library of Medicine) available to provide information:On appropriate methods of animal care and use;On alternatives to the use of live animals in research;That could prevent unintended and unnecessary duplication of research involving animals; andRegarding the intent and requirements of the Act.”


From the Health Research Extension Act, Section 495 (c)(1)(B):

“(c) The Director of NIH shall require each applicant for a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement involving research on animals which is administered by the National Institutes of Health or any national research institute to include in its application or contract proposal, submitted after the expiration of the twelve-month period beginning on the date of enactment of this section-assurances satisfactory to the Director of NIH that-

“the applicant meets the requirements of the guidelines established under paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a) and has an animal care committee which meets the requirements of subsection (b); and“scientists, animal technicians, and other personnel involved with animal care, treatment, and use by the applicant have available to them instruction or training in the humane practice of animal maintenance and experimentation, and the concept, availability, and use of research or testing methods that limit the use of animals or limit animal distress…”